Suicide, this is a word socially defined as an act of killing yourself. For the Christians this is a sin and it is definitely your ticket to hell. For some people in our societies suicide is seen as a “crazy” thought. Does anyone ever sit down and think that the people that commit suicide see it as escape; some see suicide as the key to peace; some even see suicide as their only hope. I have met people that have said “Why would you even think about dying? What is wrong with those people?” Well there is pain, suffering, misery and so forth; then there is depression. As a society we underestimate the effects of mental health illness that the act of suicide is defined as selfish or insane. From what I have observed, people think that victims of suicide or suicidal thoughts want attention or to be pitied. It is important to understand that these people don’t want your attention or pity, all they want is peace. Peace from what? You may wonder. What type of peace could you get when you are dead? These are all popular questions. As human beings we all have different experiences and some haunt us. Even though the sun rises and sets, some people continuously live in darkness and sorrow. Some people question their self-worth on a daily basis; some people feel as if they are nothing.
Last year in the month of October I received news that a lot of female students were committing suicide. Some because they had been impregnated, others because they had cheated on their boyfriends and the public had been aware of it or some had created sex tapes. As a young lady this information not only pained me, but, broke me. I had a conversation with a gentleman and he said “but Tanatswa you girls do it to yourselves. Why cheat? Why get pregnant?” This conversation stuck out to me because I identified one of the major reasons why suicide thrives in our communities: lack of support. Personally I feel that the word “support” is misunderstood and taken for granted. Individuals see support as something that has to be earned or transactional. Instead of support being natural, people weigh their gains and losses. For example, “If I am seen walking next to the girl with a sex tape, I risk my reputation.” or “It is embarrassing to be with that pregnant girl.” Do you know that every person knows right and wrong once you reach adulthood? Which means, he or she knows sex tapes exist in the process of making them, he or she knows pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse. Consequences are not new, they are basically like the Ten Commandments: known but not taken into consideration. What am I driving at? As the public if you know a person is wrong and he or she knows it as well, why fuel the fire?
It pains me that my generation is following the footsteps of our forefathers where we bring each other down rather than building each other up together. We need to support each other. Real support is being mature enough to not spread nude pictures on social media. Real support is the ability to understand that human beings are prone to mistakes and therefore ceasing from laughing at each other and cyber bullying. Real support is listening and trying to understand an individual’s pain. Real support is helping someone become a better version of themselves. Real support is selfless, patient and kind; it mirrors love. The minute support becomes materialistic, it becomes short lived.
University students, I understand that we are in our prime and having fun is everything to us. We tend to forget that we are not alone in this world and we need each other. My fellow brothers and sisters, we are Zimbabwe. As much as our home is at its lowest, I believe the country is rich because it has the youth. The youth are the future, with our minds together, Zimbabwe can rise. Brothers and sisters I want to stress that if we do not support each other and prevent suicide, it hurts to say that Zimbabwe will suffer till the next generation comes to right our wrongs.
Suicidal thoughts are not embarrassing. Every breath you take after having those projects your strength. If you are a victim of suicidal thoughts, I want you to know that you are strong, you are loved and you have my support. I might not know you or your pain, but, you can survive it. Depression is not a sin, neither is it a plague. I have been depressed and I have been supported by family, friends and strangers. This support has driven me to fight for recovery. You are not alone, do not be ashamed and share your story because there are ears ready to listen.
If you are having suicidal thoughts I encourage you to:
1. See your school counselor if you are in a school environment
2. Visit a therapist
3. Talk to a close friend or relative, someone who you feel understands you
If you identify a person who has suicidal thoughts I encourage you to:
1. Show concern
2. Listen to the person, ask why he or she is having suicidal thoughts and try to comfort the person. If you are not emotionally stable help a suicidal person, encourage them to visit a therapist as soon as possible
3. Do daily check-ups, it shows support.